Copyright © pan big2009 Pan Nusantara Sentosa

Featured Patners

  • McDermott Indonesia
    McDermott Indonesia, Supply man powers: Welders, Painter, Sandblaster, Hvy duty Rigger, Hvy duty Operator, Scaffolder, Secretary, Electrical.

    • Mega Petro Synergy
      Supply man powers: Welders, Painter, Sandblaster, Hvy duty Rigger, Hvy duty Operator, Scaffolder

    • Saipem Indonesia
      SAIPEM INDONESIA, Description: Supply Manpower (welders)

    • BWI Devils Tower
      BWI Devils Towers, supply manpower, QC Inspector, QC Painter.

    • KTL Offshore
      Supply man powers: Welders, Painter, Sandblaster, Hvy duty Rigger, Hvy duty Operator, Scaffolder


Our Team

Manage Responsibility

  • Each person who employed by the PNS is however required to be conserving with the content of the company management system, to comply with the applicable action defined therein and to accept personal responsibility for the correct and competent execution of their work. All workers of management are responsible for ensuring that this policy is understood at all levels throughout the organization.

  • To ensure all staffs are aware of the management system policy, a copy of the Management Policy Statement is issued to all employees during their company Induction. The copies of this manual and the relevant section of its supporting documentation shall be held by managers at the level of Department Head and above but shall be available to all employees